We send parcel by fast door to door air express like FedEx,DHL,UPS,TNT etc..,they will takes about 3-15 business days to your country or area (this delivery time is not included order processing time, usually the order processing takes about 2-5 business days after order paid) if you want to ship by other terms, please contact us and get quotation.If you have your own shipping forwarder in china mainland,we can ship to them for free.By the way, customs clearance is the duty of buyer,you need to contact your local carrier for customs clearance in time when parcel arrived your local customs, in case of any delay.
Default Shipping method is by FedEx,DHL,UPS,TNT(by random),if you prefer specific carrier,please leave us comments when place this order
East Asia/South Asia:About 3-7 business days to arrive
West Europe/North American:About 4-9 business days to arrive
Other countries:About 6-15 business days to arrive
PS:The delivery time is all estimate time, the actual time will depends on the carrier and international air flight situation,All the days we are talking about is business days,Thank you for your kindly understanding, and wish you have a pleasure business here